The weather began to change yesterday. We woke up to –30 below zero and 10 foot high waves. We thought we were hardy Minnesotans, but this chilled to the bone! We entered Iceberg Alley from the Bransfield Strait where hundreds of icebergs traveled from the south pole north. Some that we saw were several stories high and several blocks long. The penguins made colonies on some of them and we could see them with our binoculars. Also, they would dive in front of the ship in schools of 50 to 60. We haven’t see any whales yet, but did see dolphins, seals and plenty of penguins. The northern most record of an iceberg siting was at Rio de Janerio in 1894. Thoughts of the Titanic danced in our head! We went to the 9th deck to take pictures and enjoy the scenery. There is no way to tell you how dazzling and set back we were by the complete beauty of this area. What an amazing God we have to create such wonder and beauty. We’re now sailing toward the South Shetland Islands.
Here is base camp. They have 35 children that live there. They attend school during the day. We sailed between Elephant Island and Clarence Island through Prince Charles Strait. During the day we also passed near D’Urville Island and Hope Bay (base camp).
Here’s Jolly – he’s loving the glaciers and the artic air!
As you know, it’s NEVER too cold to enjoy ice cream.
With love from the South Pole, Jerry and Nan